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Teaching Grammar


                                                  Teaching Grammar

Parts of Speech
The Noun

A noun is the name of persons and things. They may be common and proper, abstract, collective, concrete, substantial. they have two cases: common case and possessive case and may be singular and plural nouns. 

Free Printable Noun Posters

                               The verb

The verb expresses the action, state or condition

Free Printable Verb Posters


We use Pronouns instead of nouns



An adjective is a word that qualifies a noun.They have degrees of comparison: Positive, comparative and superlative.The comparative and superlative degrees are formed a) by adding (in comparative) and -est (in superlative)  when the adjectives have one syllable  short-shorter -the  shortest and by adding more (in the comparative) and most (in the superlative) in two and more syllable adjectives. beautiful- more beautiful -the most beautiful. Adjectives in superlative degrees are always used with the definite article. Adjectives with short vowels ending in consonants doubled the consonant before -er, -est. fat-fatter -the fattest. Some adjectives form there degrees of comparison from other roots.
good-better- the best
bad-worse-the worst
little-less- the least
many-more -the most
much-more-the most
far-farther-the farthest and far-further-the furthest
late -later-the latest -გვიან and  late-latter-the least-უკანასკნელი
old-older-the oldest-ძველი and old-elder-the eldest-უფროსი
near-nearer-the nearest-ახლოს and the next- შემდეგი
up-upper-the upmost-ზევით and the uppermost

Adjective order


A preposition is a part of speech that indicates the relationship, often special, that one word to another. Prepositions play one of the important part in English Language. They substitute cases that are lacking English Language and help to form sentence correctly. 

Free Printable Prepositon Posters
 Adverbs modify verbs and tells us how, where, when and to what degree the action takes place.   

Free Printable Adverb Posters


Conjunction joins words or group of words. It may also join two independent sentence, compound and complex sentence.   

Free Printable Conjunction Posters

Interjection expresses human's emotion, feeling, astonishment, pleasure, wish, etc. 

Parts of Speech ~ Interjections » Book Units Teacher



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Grammar in use

Auxilliary Verbs and Tenses   Words and prepositions Make and Do Make and do are two of the most common verbs in the English language. We often use them with lots of different situations. It is difficult to remember in which situation we use each of them. A good way to remember is this: a) we use "make" in a situation where we are creating something; b) we use "do" in a situation where we are executing something            that is planned or has already been created. The  Verb - Get