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1. Speaking Lesson Plan

Teacher:  Tamila Turkia

45 minutes
People Who Change The World
National Standard:
 უცხ.ს.19  Student possesses and uses language skills.
·         According to communication skills student uses learnt language constructions, expressions, familiar and polite forms, verb forms and tenses, appropriate linkers  e.g. then, furthermore, finally, etc. for coherent expression of event and story.
Main Aims:

Sub aims:
·         By the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak about People who Changed the World
·         SWBAT define the vocabulary related to famous people
Instructor, prove, force, outcome, dedicated, dropped out, pair, ordinary, develop.

Personal aims:
·         To reduce TTT
·         To make the lesson varied and engaging
·         To maximize student involvement and motivation

Class profile:
The class is a monolingual class of adults with different interests and language background
Students are good at understanding of the main idea of  the speaking. They’ll find the topic of the lesson interesting.
Anticipated problems:
Problem: Student will be confused about expressing their ideas coherently.
Solution: use prompts or a daily routine or  dialogues to help them.
Problem: Confusion in the  word order-since the Georgian word order differs from that of English one.
Solution: Exercise students in making up sentences of their own.
Formative and pair assessments: Observation, giving positive feedback.
Sticking smiles for the best work
Flashcards, board, textbook, notebook, blackboard.
Stage: Pre-speaking
Time and Interaction
Lead in or Warming up
·         To enable students to greet each other.
·         To check the given homework.
·         To provoke students interests, engagement and motivation

·         To read the words given on the blackboard and use them in the sentence.
Teacher greets students and elicits responses, then T. checks given homework.

Teacher asks students which famous people do you know?  what are they famous for?

Match the words to their meanings and then use them in the sentence
5 min.

5 min.

5 min .
Students check their answers in pairs
2 min.
Stage: During speaking
Time and Interaction
·         To encourage students to speak about each paragraph of the text separately.
·         To motivate students to speak about their favourate people by asking questions.
Students read the paragraph and recall paragraph separately.

Students ask each other question- who are your favopurate people who changed the world? Students nominate people and speak about their inventions.
7 min.

5 min.
Students ask and answer questions to each other dealing with the given text
3 min.
Stage: Post-speaking
Time and Interaction

·         To provide students readiness to summarize the given material and recall the text
SWAT recall the text using the highlighted words.
5 min.
Teacher’s assessment of the last task fulfillment
2 min.
Extension  task
·         To motivate people to write out characteristic features of people  together with their inventions that made the world change.

SWBAT write out at home main characteristic features of the people who change the world and their inventions.
2 min.
Formative: The task was well done. The class was highly provoked, interested, motivated and engaged in the given task. Still there were some students who were shy in their expressions. They need some help to be more  liberated and relaxed and we must work in this direction.  In total the aim of the lesson was carried out by expressing the students’ ideas on Albert Einstein, Yuri Gagarin Steve Jobs- People who changed the world with their inventions.
2 min.
Exit Ticket
Write down shortly  one exiting activity you like.
Students recollect and then write down one activity which they like the most.
2 min.


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