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Showing posts from May, 2018

Grammar in use

Auxilliary Verbs and Tenses   Words and prepositions Make and Do Make and do are two of the most common verbs in the English language. We often use them with lots of different situations. It is difficult to remember in which situation we use each of them. A good way to remember is this: a) we use "make" in a situation where we are creating something; b) we use "do" in a situation where we are executing something            that is planned or has already been created. The  Verb - Get


1.    Would you find the blog interesting? Yes No 2.    Does the blog comprise actual items? Yes No 3.    Is the blog  a way of keeping in touch for many teachers?    Yes No 4.    Does the given blog help  to solve problems with teaching? Yes No 5.    Do teachers  appreciate an activity of blogger in teaching?  Yes No